FAR CRY4 with free download movie trailer

Trailer story FAR CRY 4
Weak half of the story deals with Pagan Min and his lieutenants. I barely remember what the mission, or what they accomplished finish. Pagan Min is a great figure, thanks to the excellent performance, excited sadistic and twisted from actor Troy Baker. But Min totally misused. He had a thunderous introduction, followed by disappointment, minimal presence throughout the Far Cry 4 campaign 15 hours. Even worse, his feet badly explained not have time to become interesting before it disappears from the story by means of a sudden and confusing.
When I was finished with my story simultaneously loved and hated, I always go back to my meandering around kyrat. I discovered a new temple. I found more than a journal Ajay's father, noted the rise of The Golden Path struggle. I wondered whether I had made the right choice for kyrat - I do not want to leave the country, and I will continue to fight as long as it continues to give me a reason to.

